Thursday, January 29, 2009

Feeling Refreshed

The last 2 days I've had "new" things to do which have left me feeling refreshed. Seeing as lately there are days when I don't even bother to shower, this is a good thing. =)

Last night I went to the evening women's Bible study at church. We've been a part of Crosspoint for a year and a half and I'm still not feeling plugged in. Now that my time isn't so absorbed by my "day job" I'm really looking forward to getting more involved. Anyway, there are 2 girls I'm pretty well bonded to in the group and all the women I'm looking forward to getting to know better so it's exciting. This week was a social week so it was really casual. We're starting a new study on Mark - which I've never studied, woohoo! All the studies at church lately have been on books, (which I don't mind, but don't love) and it's been hard to be jazzed about going. Especially since I was so busy at work in the fall and couldn't make the commitment. Now I'm in a different place, they are studying a the Word and I'm stoked.

Also, I made the commitment to start singing on the praise team in April. David has been on the sound team for over a year so since I already go with him Sunday mornings it just makes since for me to join. Elizabeth & Bethany (the 2 girls I know well from the group) are on the team and have asked me to be a part before but I was hesitant since I was so uncomfortable in my skin. Nowadays I'm feeling much more comfortable with the way I look so I'm looking forward to singing again. I haven't been on a team since we left Trinity almost 4 years ago so it's a good thing.

The other "new" thing isn't really new to me, but more of an adjustment. I finally tracked down my favorite water aerobics instructor (who used to teach my Monday night class). Apparently she announced over the holidays that she was not going to be teaching evenings anymore, but I missed it since we were out of town. Anyway, I went to her new class time today and I had such an amazing workout - I feel so refreshed! I think a few of us (other transplants from the Mon night class) have persuaded her to do a Monday morning class that's 30 min in the deep water (resistance training) and 30 min in the shallow water (high-intensity aerobic). Hopefully she'll take us up on it. She loves the water and all of us have been in her classes for well over a year and a half, so we'll see if she takes us up on it. Plus, since my knee has been hurting (probably due to my Paula Abdul workout video)...I'll pause while you regain your was great to be able to work really hard and burn alot of calories (over 1000 thank you very much!) without worrying about my knee.

And, it's now always just about me. David also got to do something new last night. He went to an AIGA event in downtown. He is trying to get plugged in with other Graphic Artists around town and AIGA events are the best way to do that. He had a great time, so hopefully there will be more opportunities for him to participate in the months to come.

1 comment:

Maybe Tomorrow said...

I'm so glad you are going to be singing again - just wish I could hear you!