Thursday, February 19, 2009

American Idol

So 4 seasons ago, David & I started watching the rejects on American Idol and I got hooked on this guy - Constantine Maroulis. What was it that endeared me to him exactly? I'm not sure. He wasn't a fabulous singer, he was often pitchy, and he wasn't a flawless performer, but there was something about him that I liked.

Perhaps it was the way he made love to the camera with his eyes...Perhaps it was his rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody...
(check out the eyes - that's LOVE baby!)

Or perhaps it was the slight gap in his front teeth that reminded me of my beloved...I'm not sure. For whatever reason I was hooked on this cat and I actually voted for him. He was the first (and only I might add!) person I have voted for and when he got the boot, I was pissed.

Fast forward to today. Let me first say that I hate reality TV, well real reality TV anyway. I love the Ashton Kutcher spoofs and especially the WB's Superstar USA, but that's about it. In general I prefer sitcoms like How I met your Mother & Big Bang theory, or dramas like Grey's Anatomy & Ugly Betty.

All that said, it must be time to fess up - David called me on it so there's no more hiding from the truth. I guess after 4 years of "off and on viewing" and getting somewhat sucked in by the rejects, I have to admit it: "My name is Red, and I watch American Idol." It's embarrassing, I know. Dare I divulge that I, *gasp* DVR it? Yes, I know it's rigged... Yes, I know they cattle call the auditions and miss SO much great talent... Yes I know that they diversify/equal opportunity the winners... but I'll watch it as it unfolds.

So, now that that's out in the open, can I just say how THRILLED I was with the results last night? The top 3 were exactly who I would have chosen! I was afraid they'd put through Tatiana for the dramatic value (I guess they're saving her for the wild card show - milk it Fox!) but they didn't and I am pleasantly surprised. I love Michael, but Danny is by far my favorite. He hasn't done anything I haven't loved yet and the a cappella group song during Hollywood week - rocked! Yes, I know going into this that it's impossible for a white male to win 2 years in a row, but hopefully he'll make it to the top 4 or so. Who knows I may even vote!

So there. It's official. Judge me if you must.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Potential Job Op - The results

I had my meeting with Gretchen of Pathfinders today. It went really well. She was a hoot and we had a great time chatting. My test results came back fabulously and she said she just wanted to see me highlight the admin responsibilities I've had over the last few years more on my resume to make it more obvious why I'd be such a good executive admin.

Why an executive admin? Well, one benefit of living in the metropolis of Atlanta is there are alot of big companies, and big companies pay big money for good people. I'm a good person, so I just need to get in the door and show them how great I can be. I've basically been doing admin for my entire career in one form or another, so why not utilize those skills in this exceptionally tough market and see what comes up. I enjoy the detail oriented, analytical, "type A" parts of being an admin and I've worked closely with my last 2 bosses in a capacity complimentary to that of an executive assistants role to her boss. Plus, I'm looking for a job that won't become me and that I can quit at the end of the day. This may be the perfect fit for me. Finally, this company has 3 job openings right now within the immediate vicinity of David's office - which is the reason I called them. If we can go back to carpooling, that just rocks. And since David can be flexible with the hours he works that is a definite probability.

So now we wait. As always I'll keep you posted.

Oh, and for those family out there that haven't seen them yet...Maggie had her 6 months photos taken recently and here is the online album - enjoy!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Potential Job Opportunity

Friday at 1pm I have a meeting with a staffing agency that places permanent full-time executive assistants. I have applied there on 2 separate occasions and decided to call today to see what their process was (do they keep resumes and filter them into the appropriate positions, is it best for me to re-apply for each position, etc.). They have several open executive assistant positions available in Dunwoody (where David works) and if I'm going to pick where I work that would be the place I'd pick for carpool purposes. Who knows it anything will come of it, but if the money works and if the hours are flexible, then it could be a great fit. I definitely have the administration abilities and it's an area where my gifts get used well. =)

There are a series of tests I have to complete between now and then that are timed and test my clerical abilities and MS office knowledge. Say a prayer and I'll keep you posted on the results of Friday's meeting!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Babies & Facebook Announcements

Facebook is a funny thing. We found out that Deborah is having a boy and the latest addition to our family is a nephew on facebook. She had a crazy day and before she got to call us, Blayne posted "it's a boy" as his status. We of course called and harassed her stating for our clarification & understanding that in the hierarchy of importance it went: Parents, Sister, World/Facebook, then Us. =) Of course, I must say here that Blayne was traveling and didn't know she hadn't talked to us yet, but it was still pretty funny to find out about our new addition on facebook.

Then today my BFF Lacey announced to the world by changing her status to state that she's pregnant with #4 - she's 9 weeks along and due just before David's birthday! I am so glad the secret is out because I have been excited about this news for weeks and I've had to bite my tongue on more than one occasion to keep this a secret! I'm just glad to know that her Honda Odyssey (minivan) will be full of little Trumbos to love.

Anyway, is always so fun to read the comments about new babies coming to the ones you love on facebook. Friends from all over their life weigh in and express their congratulations. It's good stuff and I can't wait to meet all these new babies for 2009 - and of course beyond... =0)

Monday, February 09, 2009

IBC - Inflammatory Breast Cancer

My friend Bethany sent this along to me in an email and I thought it was worth posting here. My maternal grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, so I have been doing self exams since I was 16 and have had 2 mammograms already in my lifetime.

I had never heard of IBC (and neither had Bethany), so I'm assuming that many other women I know haven't either. Take the 6 minutes and watch this video, it's very informative.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Scotty's Big Adventure

So last night when we came home, the front door didn't latch close and the boys got out. David ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things and when he got back home a half our later he noticed the door was ajar. He caught Martin in the yard and saw Scotty on the porch so he went to get Marty and put him in the house. Scotty got spooked or something and jumped off the edge of the porch closest to the garage - nearly a story high! He ran away and we couldn't find him.

David grabbed a flashlight and was walking through the woods while I was shaking his food bowls and his treats and calling his name on the front and back porches. Paul & Bethany came over and we locked up Marty in the bedroom with me so the door to the house could be left open in case he decided to come back while they were searching. It was so frustrating and we were very worried that he could have hurt himself in the jump and that he would freeze, it was only 28 degrees outside...

After an hour or so of canvassing the neighborhood and not finding him, they came back in and David put his bed on the porch. After they left Marty kept going downstairs and each time David would follow him, open the door and call for Scotty. Finally at around 11:30 David when to check for the last time and Scotty was on the porch! I was so excited. He came upstairs and cuddled with us on the bed and went right to sleep. It was a very hard night and we're so glad he's home safely!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Commercial Fun

After enjoying a relaxing weekend, we headed over to the Drehers Sunday night for the Superbowl. I was hoping for a much better game than 2 years ago when the Steelers played and didn't deserve the win (in my opinion). They played well and the calls were good until the end of the game when I wished there was a red card system for Football. What the f#@k was up with the poor sportsmanship? They were up, they were winning...why did those 2 guys feel the need to beat up on those Cardinal players? I didn't understand it and it made me mad. When the game turned around and they lost the lead, I was more than ok with it. In my opinion (and it's my blog, so I'll state it =) it was very sad to see them behave so poorly. In the end I think the Cardinals brought it and it was mostly a great game to watch.

Of course, the "real reason" to watch the Superbowl is the commercials. We all agreed there were several favorites and the rest were boring. Here were the standouts:

Budweiser hands down had the best commercials:

Doritos's was 2nd with 2 great ones:

Bridgestone had this funny spot: Bridgestone - Mr. Potato Head

And of course there was the e-trade baby...with a friend! E-Trade - Babies

And the award for MOST ANNOYING commercial was hands down:
Career Builder - Hate Work I lost a minute of my life I'll never get back...

Hope you enjoyed the commercials (and the game)!