Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things

A popular thing on facebook lately are these "random thoughts about me" notes. I finally caved after several requests from girls I love and did one yesterday. So, I thought I'd share it here too.
  1. I am a pretty creative person. I am a photographer, cake decorator, scrapbooker singer...I enjoy and find time for all of them. Not bragging, just stating the facts.
  2. I have 2 nephews, 3 nieces and another nephew joining us in May.
  3. I am a very organized/detail oriented person...Type A to the core.
  4. My guilty pleasure is the CW - I love the cheesy high school dramas especially One Tree Hill (though I completely agree they are NOT for high schoolers!)
  5. I went to my high school prom with one of my best friends and truly had an amazing night
  6. David is the only boyfriend I've ever had and the only man I've ever kissed...needless to say I was a virgin when I got married
  7. I can easily be brought to tears by anything sappy on TV
  8. I love cuddling in bed with my hubby and watching a movie or one of the many shows we both enjoy (How I Met your Mother, Friends, Scrubs, LOST, etc. etc.)
  9. Until this summer, my closest friends lived in 3 different states from me...I finally have a BFF here in GA
  10. I never thought I'd marry at 23, but I was
  11. I never thought I'd be 30 and not have kids yet, but I am
  12. No matter what I'm going through at the moment, when I see Lacey's name on my caller ID, I smile...even if through tears
  13. I love to learn but I hate school
  14. I saw the Lion King in the theater 14 times
  15. My dorm-mate Freshman year also loved Lion King so we decked out our room Lion King style...everything from bedspreads and curtains to rugs and dishes
  16. I still keep up with my closest friends from high school (even before/without Facebook!)
  17. I've often felt if I could trade my knowledge of song lyrics for something more practical...I'd be smarter.
  18. I constantly say "don't judge me".
  19. I can relate most situations to "How I Met your Mother" and/or "Friends"
  20. I've only been drunk once, but I didn't have a hangover because my friend Marleah made me eat so much bread and drink so much water before she'd let me go to sleep.
  21. Every boss (I should say direct boss) I've ever had would sing my praises and hire me back in a heartbeat.
  22. I hate buffets bars and seafood
  23. I only have 9 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of which are tennis shoes that I wear most often.
  24. I love food, but am very particular about what I like and don't like.
  25. I have never smoked anything except 1 puff of a cigar in the Bahamas one spring break and it was awful!
There were a few differences on this list, but as a bonus for those of you not on facebook: When I was in college and living in the dorm, I lived in a room on the back left corner of the dorm on the first floor. My friend Jennifer lived in the apartments directly across the street - as a matter of the fact, her window on the top floor was diagonally straight up from my window. =)

Anyway, we got tired of me having to run around to the front of the dorm to let her in while she waited or her knocking and knocking until I heard her so I could let her in the back door of the dorm. So, one day I came home and she had bought me a door bell, or more appropriately, a window bell. It was wireless so we installed it on my window and when she came over she'd ring it and I'd meet her around back and let her in. It still makes me smile and I think about it every time I push a doorbell. Yes, that's every time I've pushed a doorbell over the last 12+ years. =)

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