Sunday, July 05, 2009

First Belly Shots

This morning before we headed off to church David snapped a few pictures of my rapidly expanding midsection...

We're at 20 weeks tomorrow and I can't believe how big I am already. This baby really popped out sometime in the last week, but I feel bigger and bigger every day so I can't pinpoint exactly when this happened. I guess it was Wednesday that David came home and really noticed my belly for the first time. :) I am still convinced I won't have that adorable basketball belly, but I'm pleased that I at least look pregnant now.


Adam, Bentley and Ella Carr said...

Wow, you are showing well, you look great!! I didn't start showing until about 24 weeks and know what you mean by finally looking pregnant.

Red said...

Thanks Bentley - for a long time I just felt like people would assume I had gained back all my weight!! It's nice to look pregnant finally so people know there's a reason for the change in my appearance. :)

Kristin Garcia said...

Love love love the pics of you!! You look so beautiful! I remember being so excited about being pregnant that I started wearing maternity clothes very early on, was so glad when my baby bump finally caught up with my enthusiasm =)

Mandy said...

You look amazing!!!!! Pregnancy defintiely agrees with you!