Tuesday, March 08, 2011

It's a...

...healthy baby!  LOL, we had our big ultrasound yesterday, but of course we didn't find out the sex.  :)  Good thing we didn't want to know because this little one was being difficult and the tech couldn't even see.  The baby was transverse and rear facing, so we'll have to go back in a month or so for them to check the heart and all that other good stuff.  I'm measuring a week ahead, which is nothing but good news as far as I'm concerned.  They won't change my due date for just a week, and any extra time I have between when this baby could potentially come and when they will schedule a c-section is a gift in my eyes.  We really want to try a VBAC, but since most babies come at 41.5 weeks and they will schedule a c-section at 40.5 weeks, the extra week could make a difference.  Of course, it could also just mean I need to stop buying newborn sized diapers, lol. Our little one was just a moving and a shaking and had the hiccups 3 times during our ultrasound and the tech said everything looked fabulous.  

We did finally get a few pictures of this precious one.  None of them are really great, but it is nice to have some pictures of our sweet little bean.  Hopefully next time he/she will be more cooperative and we can get some great photos.  :)  Until then, please meet our sweet Baby Bilbo!

This one kinda creeps me out a bit, but the eyes are to the left and the mouth is to the right.  I'm sure he/she will be cuter  in color.  :)

1 comment:

debchastain said...

YAAAAAY!! And I love the pics of Grace on her trike and the one of her on the subwoofer :) -so proud of herself! Love and miss y'all and can't wait to see you and meet the new little on sometime in August. :D