Friday, June 25, 2010

Grace's Portraits

I do still owe several posts, but I was excited about these photos and couldn't wait for family to see them. We went to the Picture People yesterday to "research" how the "professionals" do a sitting. Our sittings are lasting too long and the kiddos are getting tired. It was a good learning experience and she got some pretty good shots. Since this was the first time we'd ever had anyone else take her pics (and more importantly since we were writing this off for Grasp as a training experience), we bought the DVD and I spent some time editing the photos to what you see below. Family, I'm gonna hit you up to see what sizes of what photos you want so I can order them for you. :)

Photo 2Photo3Photo 7Photo 12Photo 13Photo 14Photo 15-2Photo 17Photo 18Photo 20-2Photo 22Photo 23Photo 24Photo 26Photo 29Photo 31
Just a note - If you decide to go to the PP to get your kids portraits done (which I'm sure you'd do only if you don't live in ATL!) make sure you ask them to edit out all the dirt and scuff marks on their backdrops. I can't see an "heirloom print" with lint all over the black or scuff marks all over the white backdrops.

1 comment:

Adam, Bentley and Ella Carr said...

I was a little shocked to see that you took her somewhere for portraits when you take such amazing picture but after reading your post it made since. They are great, she is such a little cutie pie.