Monday, June 01, 2009

Avi Moon

In fulfilling my promise, here is the first catch-up blog post.

So way back in April I made a trip over to Jackson, AL to visit with my friend Marleah and take some pictures of her daughter Avi. Avi is such a sweetie. I managed to get a few non-distracted moments with her in her grandmothers' garden. It was a beautiful day and I so enjoyed getting to visit with Leah & Avi and see their new home. We even got to squeeze in lunch with her hubby Randy, whom I also love, which was a treat. Hopefully we can get them up here soon for a game night. ;) In the mean time, here are some pictures of Avi in the garden.

Feeding the goldfish with Grandpa's help
More to come this week as I make my way through my to do list!

1 comment:

profblades said...

I love these pictures!