Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just Refreshing

On April 7 we went up to Pinehurst NC to visit my BFF Lacey and her family for a few days.  It had been a year since we got up there, but with gas prices so high and it being a 6+ hour trip, it's just not an easy one to do no matter how much you want to do it.  It is so refreshing to get to just be with someone you miss so much.  I think the hubbys had a good time too and I know the kids did.  Grace had so much fun enjoying the bigger kids, though compared to Jane Dare who is 10 weeks older, she is a little wimpy.  I guess that's the difference between being the first baby and being the fourth, lol.  Since we've been home though she has been much more adventurous.  She has gone down a big twisty slide without hesitation and climbed up a "rock wall" type ladder up to a slide at my friend's place.  She still isn't drinking milk out of a sippy despite watching Jane Dare do it all weekend, but it will come in time I guess, lol.

Ryan & Lacey have the PERFECT kid backyard.  Swings and a slide, a huge sandpit and Grace's personal favorite - a HUGE trampoline.  She loved, loved, loved the trampoline.  She even did ok when the bigger kids were out with her.  I was impressed.  :)

She woke up with a fever Friday & Saturday nights and ended up sleeping with us for the first time since she was just weeks old.  I couldn't believe it.  I wasn't sure what was wrong as she was completely fine during the day, but when we got home she cut 2 molars so I'm guessing that was it.  She has always had a fever when she is ready to cut teeth and these were by far the biggest.

I never make enough time to take pictures because we're having so much fun, but here's a few pictures from our together...

This was our first morning there and all 3 girls just randomly happened to be in pink monkey pjs, too cute!
Ainsley enjoying the fire place and Reid,  being ALL boy, was climbing all over everything.
The girls had a blast watching David launch rockets
I think David enjoyed "jumping off" the big kids as much as the kids did - here he is with Jake in the background.  
Look at those beautiful blue eyes!  I can't believe how big my Jane Dare is!
At dinner one night Jane Dare and Grace were sharing with each other, it was very sweet.
It was a wonderful visit, I sure wish they lived closer! In the mean time I'm just grateful for the opportunity to just have a refreshing visit with 6 of my favorite people.

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