Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Big Girl Chair

Ok, so these posts are going to be out of order, but they are all late so who cares, right?  :)

Ever since we got home from Christmas, Grace has been trying to sit on anything she can find that is the "right height".  She gets on all 4's and crawls backwards until her bottom hits whatever she is currently using as her chair and she sits up, it is hysterical!  Well David & I figured we should find the girl a chair, easy right?  Um no, we went to 7, yes 7, stores looking for a freaking chair for a toddler and nothing.  We did find one $13 plastic chair that would have fallen over at the slightest pressure and we found alot of chairs over $50 (seriously?!?) but nothing that would work.  A friend suggested we hit Ikea and we hit the jackpot.  I was a little nervous about this chair since it was so big, but it was only $30 and she'll be able to use it for years.  She LOVES it!  It took a few days for her to learn how to climb back out, but now she takes a few toys or books, climbs up and relaxes.  It's really quite precious.

First time in my new chair - I love it!!

I love to relax and play in my chair.  :)
This face just cracks me up!

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