Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A full 2 weeks

It's been about 2 weeks since I posted time flies! You would think being unemployed I wouldn't get behind on anything, but we have had a lot going on. After we finished getting all the decor (that we were going to put out anyway) up and the presents wrapped, I had a few gifts I needed to finish - that's all I can say. It's been time consuming, but joyful as I love putting some heart into the gifts we give. That in combination with my still fruitless job search (that leaves me spending an hour or 2 each day searching job sites and finding nothing), writing our Christmas letter, keeping the house clean, laundry done, etc., and catching up on EVERYTHING else that I was behind on from all the hours I was working last month leaves me wondering where I would be if I hadn't lost my job. I guess I'd be really, really tired. =)

So here's just a few highlights from the last 2 weeks:

  • I got approved for my unemployment - woohoo!

  • David got new lenses for his glasses due to a manufacturer defect - he needed new ones anyway so this saved us $500. God is good!

  • I spent a few wonderful days in Clarksville, TN with Lacey & her family in celebration of her 30th birthday!

  • We hosted the last leg of the progressive dinner for the Youth Group's Christmas party and a good time was had by all.

Last night we went to see Harry Connick Jr. live in concert, which was SO much fun!! He put on such a wonderful show. The music almost brought me to tears a few times and I was in stitches a few other moments when Harry, who is also quite funny, was telling stories or messing up in good fun. I knew it was going to be a good show when the second song he played before he even greeted the audience was (It Must Have Been Ol') Santa Claus. It was nice to get out of the house together and enjoy some holiday fun. Have I said lately how much I love my husband?

Finally, please pray for my family. My grandfather is in the hospital and he has a series of serious health looks like he may be leaving us to go home and meet Jesus sooner rather than later which is both joyous and heart wrenching. This is hard for all of us, but specifically for my grandmother who lost her brother this fall and for my grandfather himself. Please keep them in your prayers. Pray for wisdom for the Doctors who are caring for him, and for Grandad to be in as little pain as possible.

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