Saturday, February 20, 2010

So much to say...

It's been several weeks since my last post and there are really good reasons for my absence. I'll try to recap in a few posts instead of one long one as there are LOTS of pictures.

On Jan 31 Grace and I headed up to WV to meet the rest of my family. It's an 8 hour trip with no stops, so I anticipated a long drive. Gracie did great though - it only took me 12 hours with 2 stops to nurse and take care of her to make it to my dad's place in Elkins. She is such a good traveller and while I am now confident that travelling with David will be much easier, it's nice to know I CAN do it by myself.

We spent Sunday & Monday nights with my dad & stepmom in Elkins. It was so good to get to see them and have them see how much Grace had changed in just 4 short weeks. While we were there she got to meet a few of Linda's friends, got lots of play time with her Nana & Grandpa and experienced her first snow! Here are a few pictures from the first leg of our trip.

Talking with NanaGrandpa loves to make Grace laugh and she thinks he's hysterical, so it works out well!Kisses from GrandpaHanging out with Nana & GrandpaPlaying with CasperGrace's First Snow3 Generations

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